National Security
If nothing digital is physical and everything factual is digital than nothing collected is reliable.
Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Shipping, Delivery, Receiving, Returning, Inventory Control, and Product Information is virtual and literally digital before it is physical.
Financial & Medical
Digital Environment, Regulations, Legal Requirements, Criminal Tracking, Quality Control, Distribution, Qualifications, and Trusted Companies are all virtual.
Physical & Digital Security
3rd Rail is expert in everything security. However, unconventional in the approach because stability needs to be the base and nothing can be secure if any element is not stable.
The Social Media Vector
Social Media is an access-point by which vulneabilities are built, discovered, enabled, and exploited. Anytime a digital device exchanges information there are explotation frameworks implemented within devices, systems, and components.
Arts & Science
These are the areas by which 3rd Rail accomplishes absolute supremesy over unwanted and devious behaviors. The artistic side of the equation is the digital aspet. Nothing digital is real and ripe with vulnerabilities. Everything electricly analog is physical and therefor real. The science of electrons is fullproof.