The 3rd Rail
Extraordinary projects deserve extraordinary attention.

The Cube by 3rd rail
takes on
Digital & A.I.
People have asked “Why did 3rd Rail choose The Cube as the first product launch”? Simply stated, the cube is considered the perfect Shape. It is a regular polyhedron and is often used in mathematics, geometry, and physics to represent symmetry and spatial relationships. This is how “The Cube” comprehends the electrical universe and presents it to any consumer group.
Welcome to the home of complete signal rectification and authentication. As most people know, digital devices, systems, and solutions are fraught with vulnerabilities that far outpace the ability to fix them. As evidence of this truth, the banking industry is just happy to replace any funds taken by electronic fraud activity since they can’t fix the systems or their solutions.
3rd Rail has the solution to end all solutions. The one fix that fixes every vulnerability in the digital universe. The single approach that is easy to design, build, and implement. regardless of the environmental conventions. This solution is 100% compatible with every electrical device, appliance, and distribution system. The invention being discussed is a once and for all purchase and is perfect in functionality.
Think about a universe where digital devices have no latency, where there is no dirty data, device to device communication happens at nearly the speed of light regardless of distance or other bottlenecks. This is what happens on the 3rd Rail.
The Sea-Change
In the railway system the purpose of the third rail is to provide electric traction power to trains by using an additional rail called “The 3rd Rail” for this purpose. The 3rd rail is used to transfer electricity from the power source to the train’s electric motors, allowing it to move along the tracks. There are also safety components to the third rail design. Because the railway systems present electric shock hazards along the line, uncontrolled voltages are not considered safe. A specific voltage and current are required for operations to be carried out and must therefore be used to transfer appropriate power, resulting in some loses in energy, and requiring relatively closely spaced rectification points.
The 3rd Rail Corporation is providing this very same benefit to the digital and analog electrical services necessary to transmit data and power around the world. By implementing the 3rd Rail product, known as “The Cube”, every single voltage and current pair are specifically intended for an exact train, on an exact track, heading for an exact destination. Thus, isolating all electrical traffic from the harm that will came by allowing uncontrolled energy to transfer along the running rails.

Analog signals are natures communication standard, and they can be measured in everything as long as measuring the signal is possible. Everything, including color, in the visible and so far in the invisible universes have emissions that can be measured. This is one of the many truths that The 3rd Rail is based in and develops technologies along.

Naturally occurring phenomena is not predictable, it is not identically repetitive, and the accuracy of the geometry is never beyond similar. However, within digital environments signals are not considered phenomena they are fully manufactured and as repetitive as necessary. Digital signals are also predictive and can be geometrically identical in predictable patterns. It is in these factors that analog signals were thought not to be suitable for computational systems.
Analog imagery is extensively used by 3rd Rail to illustrate the beauty, precision, and complexity of the analog signal. The digital construct of electricity truncates the full range of the energy lifecycle as it navigates through the universe. Even though it permeates through every type of electrical device, throughout the human body, and is included in every life form it is still a mystery. Electricity is the most commonly used, naturally accruing, and powerfully destructive force and yet remains one of the least understood elements in creation.

The forensic value of a digital signal is in the creative ability of the designer to generate patterns and therefore the results of the digital purpose. However, the lifecycle of analog signal is to provide proof of life and forensic identity of the contents of the universe. Because of this fact it is impossible for a digital signal to provide content, context, or relevance, as to the origins of the digital result. Digital analysis depends solely on “meta data” which is a digital creation providing information on underlying digital signals. Whereas analog signals provide everything necessary to determine the origins of digital constructs which were in fact created from the analog artifacts.

The Arora Borealis is natures perfection of analog electrical patterns. The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is the result of electrons colliding with the upper reaches of Earth’s atmosphere. The perfect electrical conditions for the Aurora Borealis depend on four important naturally accruing factors: geomagnetic activity, geospatial location, the geospatial location of the sun, and the clarity of the skies. Note the imagery marking this paragraph and how the art of analog parallels the structure of the Aurora Borealis. This is not a coincidence, this is analog.

There is no perfection in systems that are artificially generated as is the digital creation. The Cube by The 3rd Rail is an antenna cubed which provides a deep supply of universal signals as well as a basis for wired analog signals prior to the conversion to digital communications. There is no benefit to a user group or a digital device in providing a single voltage/current pair or a single bit of data. When The Cube is inline and located before any digital receiver the value of every single bit of energy is immeasurable. The context, the origin, the basis of calculation, and the very deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the communication strand is included in the formulation of the digital product.
The 3rd Rail is not industrially focused on any one segment or customer type. The Cube is an electrically centric product designed in a way that benefits every category of consumer. The magnificence of the science backing this breakthrough is one of nature and enhances any contextual application of the technology. This is where real Quantum Mechanics begins and the mystery of the Quantum Universe is revealed. Join The 3rd Rail in the first Quantum Leap to enhance humanity’s experience.

To some degree anyone can benefit from the ability to contextually store, forensically analyze, and systematically generate predigital models of the future state of any digital device, system or consumed energy. Regardless of the use case, end user, and beneficiary of electrical precognition the value is overwhelming to the general public, the public sector in government and the private sector market. There has never been a breakthrough more beneficial or significant than the mastery of particle involvement.

Physical & Digital Security
Quantum Physics is working with the physical world and 3rd Rail focuses on the energy and not the measurement.
Social Media
The level of trust humanity has placed in these systems is disproportionate to the reliability and accountability these environments have to accuracy.
Arts & Science
In the digital science lab “science” is mostly art based on the creative nature of the programmers. Digital is not science, it is not real, and it has no basis.
National Security
If nothing digital is physical and everything factual is digital than nothing collected is reliable.
Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Shipping, Delivery, Receiving, Returning, Inventory Control, and Product Information is virtual and literally digital before it is physical.
Financial & Medical
Digital Environment, Regulations, Legal Requirements, Criminal Tracking, Quality Control, Distribution, Qualifications, and Trusted Companies are all virtual.

“Electricity hasn’t change and the 3rd Rail is still the best isolation for the age.” ~Rodney Ridl, Founder
Common Digital Issues
Biases in AI: Artificial intelligence systems can learn to make decisions based on biased or unrepresentative data, which can lead to unfair or inaccurate outcomes. For example, a hiring algorithm that favored male applicants over female ones, or a facial recognition system that had higher error rates for minorities1.
Vulnerabilities in network protocols: Many network protocols that are used to communicate and exchange information over the internet have flaws that can be exploited by hackers. For example, Telnet, which is a protocol for remote access, does not encrypt the data it sends, making it easy to intercept and modify2. Another example is DNS, which is a protocol for resolving domain names to IP addresses, which can be hijacked to redirect users to malicious websites2.
Poor user experience: Digital systems that are not designed with the user in mind can cause frustration, confusion, or dissatisfaction. For example, a website that is slow to load, hard to navigate, or full of pop-up ads can drive away potential customers or users3. Another example is a software application that is buggy, incompatible, or difficult to use.